BullX.io NEO — Telegram Trading Bot and Web App

BullX has been a dominant player on the Telegram trading bot scene for a while now, and a week a ago they decided to publish their newest version called “BullX NEO”. Although BullX has seen a huge growth in both users and trading volume even before the launch of NEO, as can be seen from Dune Analytics data below.

BullX trading volume taken from Dune analytics

In this article I will explain the most important features on BullX Bot AND the newest version, BullX NEO, how to use it and list answers to the most frequently asked questions that traders have on BullX.

Let’s get started.

BullX.io Features

Here are listed some of the key features (not all features) that set BullX apart, specially from other Solana focused trading bots.

This is what BullX themselves say about their key-features:

🚀 Fastest Indexing
🔒 Realtime Security Audit
💼 Multi-Wallet Management
📈 Live charts and stats
💰 Limit Buy/Sell across all chains
📲 First Telegram-Web Interface🚀 Fastest Indexing
🔒 Realtime Security Audit
💼 Multi-Wallet Management
📈 Live charts and stats
💰 Limit Buy/Sell across all chains
📲 First Telegram-Web Interface

However some of these are more relevant than others so below I have listed, what I feel are the tangible and non-tangible features and benefits of BullX

Web app + Telegram integration

BullX has a very unique approach to their user experience, where Telegram is merely a tool to login to the webapp and the webapp has the coolest features and UI views.

Pump.fun support

I have written a separate pump.fun tutorial, but BullX makes trading new Pump.fun coins really effortless: Not only does it show you all newly created tokens at pump.fun:

bullx pump fun listings new pairs view
New pairs view of BullX

But you also have something BullX calls Pump VisionThis is a simplified view where you can see newly created tokens, about to graduate (close to migrating to Raydium pool), and Graduated (migrated to Raydium pool):

bullx pump vision tokens
BullX Pump Vision

User experience, filtering and UI

This is not as tangible, but BullX has the best user experience of any bot that I have used. When you stare for hours different tickrs, icons, social channels, charts, good UI becomes important pretty quickly. The way BullX UI is built makes it extremely easy to reduce noice, and one way to do this is utilizing filters:

BullX trading bot filter and ui
BullX Filters -panel

These filters will help you to focus on tokens that fill your own checklist, be it traded volume, number of socials or transaction count. User experience and good way to filter information is definitely underestimated features in Telegram trading bots, and in this regard BullX is on its own level compared to any other bot on the market.


Transactions on BullX are extremely fast. This comes with a cost of 1 % fee per transactions, but this is the current norm, especially with Solana Telegram trading bots.

Quick Buy Preset Settings

In BullX you can quick buy any token from token trending, new pairs or from pump vision tab. At the bottom left you have settings icon. From there you can set your quick buy settings for different chains:

Bullx bot settings tab for quick buy preset and different chains
Settings for BullX Quick Buy

Multi-chain support

BullX is one of the few trading systems on the moarket with wide range of supported chains. Although they do not support as many chains as bots like MaestroBot, their list is still impressive. Currently BullX supports:

BullX supported chains

ETH, BNB, BASE, ARBITRUM, BLAST and of course Solana.

Flexing wins

Big part of memecoin trading is of course sharing those juicy wins in Twitter or to your friends to prove what a god of a trader you are. These PnL images are probably my favorite of any other bot. Here is one of mine:

bullx pnl images share
PnL image of BullX

Referral system

If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. BullX Bot has taken Trojan’s referral system as a 1:1 copy with slight changes on trading volume tresholds for extra referral fee %.

BullX referral system
BullX Referral system

NEO Features Update

The latest BullX NEO version introduces several game-changing features:

Redesigned Pump Vision

bullx.io neo new Pump Vision
BullX NEO new Pump Vision
  • Chart preview before opening links
  • Easier identification of fake plays and scam projects
  • Three-panel view: New Creations, About to Graduate, and Graduated tokens
  • Real-time tracking of token migrations to Raydium pools

Smart Sniper Detection

bullx sniper detection
BullX.io NEO New Sniper Detection
  • Precise tracking of active snipers per trade
  • Visual indicators for sniper activity
  • Real-time monitoring of sniper wallet movements

Enhanced Insider Holdings

Bullx neo insider holdings
BullX NEO Insider Holdings
  • Track percentage of supply held by insiders
  • Monitor evolution of top holders for long-term projects
  • Historical holder data analysis

Advanced Wallet Tracking

multi-wallet tracking on bullx neo
BullX. NEO Advanced Wallet Tracking
  • Direct tracking of any wallet through the interface
  • Instant notifications for wallet activities
  • No need for multiple Telegram bot subscriptions
  • Cross-chain wallet monitoring

Multi-Chart Functionality

bullx neo multi chart
BullX Neo Multi Chart
  • Simultaneous viewing of multiple token charts
  • Customizable chart layouts
  • Real-time price and volume data across all viewed tokens

Buying Memecoins With BullX NEO

BullX works slighlty differently from other Telegram bots. First of all, Telegram is only a “login tool” through which you can automatically connect (and log in) into https://bullx.io/

So first navigate to BullX Bot (you get 10 % off your trading fees forever with my link). Then press /start as you would do in any other bot.

Login button after /start command bullx neo
Login button after /start command

Once you click the Login button you will get a unique login link. Click it and you will be directed to bullx.io. You will also get this Welcome prompt on Telegram, but the main actions happens at bullx.io after this point.

When your browser opens bullx.io, you will see your Telegram connection in the top right corner of the screen, and also your wallet balance. Obviously before trading you need to fill your wallet with SOL, and you can do this any way you see fit. All you need to do is send SOL from any source (other Solana wallet, centralized exhange, Phantom etc.) to the wallet address you see in the web client.

After funding your wallet you can start trading. You can view new pairs to trade from the New Pairs -view:

trending pairs bullx

After clicking any token you will see this view:

trading view bullx

I have marked the social links with red in the image at top left, but you will see a lot of other useful information like marketcap, volume, liquidity and maybe most importantly audit section, which will tell you of any possible red flags the token contract address might have.

Please note: none of the audit tools in crypto are ever 100 % bullet proof. Don’t trust them blindly.

Trading tokens is simple with the trading box at the top right corner. After making a trade you will see “my position” button:

Example position view bullx neo
Example position view

That’s it, now you know how to use and trade with BullX Bot. If you want, you can sign up to BullX using my referral link: https://neo.bullx.io/ and you will get 10 % off your fees for as long as you use BullX.


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